CPV – URL’s vs. Keywords

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A lot of newcomers to PPV or CPV world ask which are better targets: keywords or URL’s. Here’s a simple answer – URL’s.

That’s pretty much all there is to this post lol.

URL’s are pretty much always more profitable then keywords. You can argue why, but in my opinion it’s not natural for a user to type something into a search engine and immediately get a popup with an advertisement. Even if it’s related.

Once you visit a site, you’re accustomed to seeing popups and popunders. You think it may actually be part of the site.

Tip: that’s why popping over some JC Penney CPA offer on JCPenney.com is more profitable then simply pushing a generic offer. Targeting specific sites is always a good idea. But time consuming. So you figure yourself what’s best for you.

When you are creating you first campaign, always start with URL’s. Keywords can work too. But more often than not, URL’s are the way to go.

Hope this answers your itchy question.

For scaling, sure the very first thing I’d do is create another keyword driven campaign next to a successful one already. I’d do it even before going to other CPV networks. But when you have nothing and you need money fast, go for URL’s.

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