Vodcasting (Video Podcasting) Explained

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See How Vodcasting Helps You Connect With Your Customers and Subscribers

New technologies are striving into the internet. Not long ago we were introduced to RSS and its great abilities to syndicate content on the internet. Later, podcasting arrived allowing us to use audio files on our RSS feeds and let people with mobile devices such as iPods to listen to audio news from your blog. Now, the RSS technology brings us even further by letting us to use video files instead of just audio files on our blogs and RSS feeds.

What is Vodcasting?

Vodcasting has actually other meanings, like videocasting, video podcasting and videoblogging. But all these meanings refer to the use of the same technology called RSS (Rich Site Summary).

Vodcast is a term used for delivering “Video On Demand” VOD files online via RSS feeds. In order to publish a vodcast, video files have to remain on the server and special enclosure tags must be used in an RSS feed. Vodcasting is different from simple video files online. First of all, because vodcast is a video file in different format than regular video files. That special format is needed for special devices to understand and play the video. Second of all, whenever a new vodcast appears on your RSS feed, RSS readers or iPods automatically locate the new file and allow you to see and listen to it.

Importance of Video Podcasting (Vodcasting)

Now that video has arrived to the internet, it brings totally new approach to internet marketing for all-size businesses. Audio files used on the internet can make a bigger impact to your web readers. But video is even more powerful. Just imagine what kind of response you could get from your visitors if they could see you speaking right to them. It’s probably 100 times more effective than reading text on the internet. And much more persuasive than listening to audio.

If you could explain your ezine readers whatever they want to know not just by writing, but by actually showing to them, you could build an army of loyal readers who are just waiting to see your next video only, because it’s much more convenient to them.

You could also use videos to presell your products or services. Just imagine a visitor who lands on your site and instead of seeing another headline, he sees your video. He plays the video and you can explain to him who you are, what you do and of course all the benefits of your product or service.

As you know, when you sell online, you face a problem. People don’t know who you are and why should they trust you. Vodcast eliminates this problem. When you actually talk to your potential prospect and he can see your face and your emotions, he realizes that you are real person. He can see that there’s someone behind that website that will help him to solve his problem.

How to Create a Vodcast (Video Podcast)?

Many people may tell you that creating a vodcast is extremely expensive and difficult task to accomplish. There are some pricy tools that you have to deal with in order to create a vodcast. However, there are also free tools to do that. But keep in mind that in order to create a vodcast you’ll need to buy a webcam.

You can get some cheap webcam for $20, but it’s recommended to get a better one so you have more options and better video quality. A creation of vodcast requires additional topic. So if you want to find out how to create a vodcast, you can read a special vodcasting tutorial that will explain you how to do that.

In Conclusion

Vodcasting is a fantastic way to communicate with your newsletter readers. Just like with podcasting, you can submit your RSS feed or blog with vodcast to special video podcasting directories. This way you’ll gain additional traffic to your feed.

Remember, that vodcasts can also be downloaded by people who use iPods or similar devices, so you can reach even broader media for your business.

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