Pet Food Delivery PPV Template

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(Coded in HTML/CSS Only) Download in ZIP format


Pet industry is multi-billion dollar industry. You can make very nice campaigns and profit for a long time as long as it’s far away from so popular dating, diet, bizopp niches.

Take this PPV landing page template and promote The payout is great and you can find a lot of noncompetitive targets on PPV networks still.

Orange button resembles Amazon’s add to cart button and produces good conversions. This LP is very simple. All you need to do is add more puppy, pet images into /img/ folder and duplicate this LP, where each points to a different image. You’ll see a path in HTML source. Can’t change color scheme here, so go with the flow…

You’ll notice that this template doesn’t have external style-sheet. I was a bit lazy to extract it, plus there’s no reason to do so. For larger sites it makes sense to have external style sheet as user’s browser downloads the style sheet once, and when you navigate second page, it loads automatically saving you time. As long as it’s one page lander, it’s no difference whether you make external or internal sheet. So keep this in mind when making pages.



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