Best and Worst Autoresponder Review

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Alright, this post is going to be a little rant, but I gotta get this off my chest lol.

I’ve written some articles on autoresponders and have recommended a few. That was years ago and I didn’t bother to update the info. Well, things have changed a little and now there’s more than just Aweber and Getresponse for autoresponders. Anwyay…

Fucking Aweber

Aweber is probably #1 service for autoresponders now. They have tons of traffic and almost everyone loves them. I liked them too until few days ago…

What happened?

Fuckers just shut down my account.

Why you ask?

They found a link in one of my emails they “banned”. It was direct link from CPA network. Not sure which actually. Didn’t bother to explain, just shut down without any warning.

How about that huh?

Maybe Aweber is good for squeaky clean businesses who do double optin. But the way they treat customers is inexcusable. Fuck them. Done. My recommendation, stay the fuck away from Aweber. They’re another Google. Will screw you over in no time.


I used MailChimp as everyone says how good they are. They offer 100% free service for up to 500 subscribers, so had to try them 🙂 Well, the interface is a little clumsy. And oh, BTW they don’t allow single optin. Holy shit, are you kidding me? Yeah, yeah everyone says double optin is more legit and every damn marketer knows double optin is the way to go… yada, yada, yada… But you know what, for some campaigns single optin is the only thing that works. So at least, I want to have that option. Not with Mailchimp. I heard they close accounts of affiliates left and right, so maybe not the best choice?


Then we have GetResponse. Old timer. But I haven’t had problems with them. Only with their coreg service, which was utter shit. But as for autoresponder, no problems, so they’re still positive on my list 🙂


IContact – Allows 6 emails per subscriber per month. For additional emails you gotta pay additionally or choose higher priced plan. What the Fuck? Most of the companies offer unlimited email messages, these guys have the nerve to offer only 6 a month? I heard many use them. I haven’t tried them yet. Maybe you can give me your own opinion about these guys, but seems pretty stupid to me.

ConstantContact – Holy Shit…

Man… Signed up with them. Prices seemed alright. It said unlimited emails, so all good right. WRONG!

They only allow 10 follow up emails!

Can you believe this shit? 10 emails. Total! No way. These guys get serious traffic. Don’t know how they stay in the business.

For me 10 emails, no go. Many have a whole fucking year worth of email series setup sending every few days. These geniuses figured that 10 is perfectly enough not to bother your subscribers too much. Man oh man…

So I obviously decided to cancel the account. Well, I can’t do that. I contacted their support, and they ask me whether I have authorization to cancel the account.

Can you fucking believe that? AUTHORIZATION to cancel?

I had to call them up just to cancel the god damn account. It’s not enough to contact support, you gotta contact someone higher in hierarchy there.

Not to mention their awful navigation. They have the required “welcome” email, which I tried to edit with 0 success.

Verdict? – Stay away from them even further than Aweber. HORRIBLE SHIT – (to be polite).


Don’t know much about these guys really. Prices as I mentioned are almost the same for all of them. Seems cheaper in the beginning, and little more expensive later. They don’t show features clearly on the site, so didn’t bother to dig any further.

As for me, I can only say that I didn’t have problems with GetResponse. VR I didn’t use. So tell me your own opinion about them, I’d love to hear.

Some still recommend hosted autoresponders. From my experience delivery rates suck bad for these. For more professional use, go with services.

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  1. Brian Rooney says

    Sounds like you need to look in to

  2. admin says

    Thanx Brian, I’ll check it out. So far, Getresponse is #1 on my list. Easy, does all I want and so far haven’t banned me lol

  3. Donna Melton says

    Thanks Admin, for the “heads up” on Aweazle! Know some of my crowd, (internet marketers) that have been saying good things about Free up to the first 1000 and then $3.00/mo. Definitely the best price, they don’t have a problem with affiliates and their open rate is compareble to Aweazle. Said to be pretty easy to work with. Just had to share with you when I read about you getting shut down, that’s horrible! You’re right, sounds like a google thing to me too! Good luck on getting your list back up to pare (that’s a hard hit!) Donna

    1. Herbert says

      Thanks for your answer. I just hate the thhougt of integrating’ two separate companies (i.e., Wishlist Member and AWeber). I’ve heard nightmares about difficulty getting them to work together. DAP is as expensive as both of those together which makes it not cost effective if I have to get AWeber in addition to DAP! Seems to defeat the purpose of purchasing an all-inclusive’ service. I’m not thrilled about the learning curve of DAP, but they do post their entire manual on the net for all to see so I can see what it will take to make it work. AWeber and Wishlist Member are relative unknowns. So the question becomes, again, does it really make a difference if I’m working with paid members whom I will ask to add my email to their contact list. If they don’t, and messages go to their spam, and they contact me because they think they haven’t gotten their emails is that really a huge problem? So sorry to be a pest. I’m just really trying to figure our the best approach for my situation. Thank you.

  4. Austin Pinchon says

    Outsourced ASP model autoresponders operate on the provider’s infrastructure and are usually configurable via a web-based control panel. The customer pays a monthly usage fee. This is easiest to implement for the end-user.^`’.

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