Writing Effective Pay Per Click Ad

Starting a PPC search engine marketing campaign is just the beginning. It takes a lot of testing and tracking before you see any steady profits coming in. One of the main factors determining your pay per click campaign is effective ad.…

Restrictions on Search Marketing

“It was easy. Not anymore. Stop living in the past, move on” - That’s what I can suggest to those dreaming about the good ol’ days of AdWords marketing. Things have changed and major players have added many rules to their systems. The…

Pay Per Click Fraud

A nightmare for many PPC marketers, especially running larger volume campaigns. Some PPC engines admit that their fraud is from 15% to 20% of all clicks. 3rd party analysts conclude that it now is as high as 20% to 50% of all clicks. Who…

Can Day Parting Save Your PPC Campaign?

Have You Considered to Day-Part Your Campaigns on PPC Engines? If Not, Think Again as Savvy Marketers Have Doubled Their Response Rates with This Technique Your search marketing campaigns can be very sensitive. Small things can make the…

Branding with Pay Per Click?

Branding is all about getting inside people's memory. You want them to know what your company/product is all about, as soon as they hear or see your name or web address. It's obviously a long term marketing thing. You can't brand with one…

PPC Bidding Strategy

When you start on a new PPC campaign, you have to first determine what your bidding strategy is going to be. Vicious or safe, fast or slow? But prior to developing your keyword bidding strategy, figure out your objectives. Usually it falls…

Full Spectrum PPC Marketing

Let's Take a Step Back and Have a Broader Look on PPC Marketing Today PPC as a marketing channel emerged from search marketing. In the early days not many knew what that is and were able to ride the wave for a long time ripping profits we…

Negative Keywords

All internet marketing experts and everybody who advertises online are trying to optimize their marketing costs as much as possible. Pay per click marketers are no different. There are actually many ways how to increase the effectiveness of…

Low Budget PPC Marketing

You're an affiliate, small business at best. You can't afford to spend $1,500/month on pay per click marketing even if it doesn't sound like much for some. How do you go about it? In this article below, we'll discuss a few tactics that can…

Local Search Marketing

Local advertising is gaining more and more popularity. Small businesses find that advertising locally is much cheaper than globally and marketing firms exploit this goldmine to attract new customers. Local search marketing yields higher…