Super Affiliate or Not Super Affiliate

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Man, for years I keep hearing these terms like super affiliate, high-roller, big baller (whatever that means lol)… and to me it seems ridiculous. Super affiliate is not the guy that once was spending $xx,xxx/day on Facebook and now washes cars in a gas station to sustain his brazilian fetish porn addiction. Super affiliate (I hate that term) is someone who is able to make money constantly, for years. Not just have one time shot when Google bizopp kits and Acai’s were making a lot of people’s lives miserable.

And everyone has a different perception of who is super or mega anyway. When I first heard that people are making $10,000/month on internet, I was blown away. Then was blown away by folks doing that much a day. And then Carlos & Lupe Garcia’s came along with $3-$5 mil month revenues (and I think 50% of that profit). But they were doing those volumes not as affiliates, but advertisers just to be fair.

And talking about the numbers, 95% of guys speak about revenues. Yeah, for the advertiser, the network it’s important I agree. But for affiliate? You need to look into profits. Who cares you’re doing $10,000/day revenue. 7 times out of 10 your profit margin brings you $1,000 to $3,000/day. So their numbers don’t matter, it’s BS anyway.

And even if we do listen to those braggers and pray to their numbers… where’s the line?

There are folks who are billionaires. Made riches from affiliate marketing. Hell, insurance lead gen is affiliate marketing really and those guys do sick numbers.

But is it important how much they’re making and how incomparable you look next to them?

Hell no. You may be inspired by these guys and that’s good as long as it kicks you off your ass and forces you to do something. But those are just someone else numbers anyway. They had their backgrounds, their lives. And you live yours. You gotta make it happen from your position. All what should matter to you is how you can create a sustainable living for yourself online.

If you don’t make $1,000/month profit, then make it your goal to do $2,000 in the next 3 months. And if that’s the numbers you can sustain that let you live comfortably… then my friend you are that super affiliate, period.

  1. Gary J Martin says

    Super is perhaps in the eye of the beholder.
    Someone may feel a Super-Affiliate” is someone who makes 10 grand a month.
    Another may feel anyone who makes a consistent $1000 a month is “Super”
    However millions a month is unrealistic for almost everyone.
    So they are in a different category altogether.

    1. admin says

      Hi Gary,

      Yeah, it doesn’t matter. Whatever makes someone happy. The feeling of personal achievement is what matters to keep growing. For new guys consistency should the goal really, as so often folks, including me in the past have made a bunch of money and then when campaign dies out, you’re nowhere to be found. Consistency and sustainability is something everyone should aim for in affiliate marketing.

      1. thebloggernet says

        I also agree with you..I have heard almost thousand of times about those super they make me sick

        1. admin says

          Yeah man. Whenever I hear super-affiliate, some jerkoff Clickbank “guru” comes to mind with his fake numbers and bullshit stories of how he managed to steal a “secret” CD with military grade software to print $7988.93 per day… Boy, wish FTC would crack down more on those assholes

  2. Subhakar Rao says

    I agree with the author. The feeling of personal achievement is what matters to keep growing. Consistency and Repeated Business helps you to increase the business.

  3. Daniel says

    When i first heard such numbers i was simply amazed. This was when i first started my online adventure to make money.
    Hearing these “success stories” whether fake or not, motivates me either way to push for the next level.

  4. Latex Spuiten says

    Super is perhaps in the eye of the beholder.
    Someone may feel a Super-Affiliate” is someone who makes 10 grand a month.
    Another may feel anyone who makes a consistent $1000 a month is “Super”
    However millions a month is unrealistic for almost everyone.
    So they are in a different category altogether.

  5. dryden says

    I really want to be super affiliate like in clickbank but I guess I have to do a lot of things to reach that goal. anyways thanks for this nice post.. 🙂

  6. serge says

    In a nutshell, affiliate marketing is an arrangement between an online merchant and affiliate (you), in which the affiliate earns a commission for generating sales, leads and/or clicks for the merchant’s web site.I prefer super affiliate.

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