RSS Directory List

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Here’s a List of RSS Directories to Submit Your Feed

If you want to find as many directories as possible that allow you to submit your RSS feed, then you should check this list from time to time.

We have gathered some of the most popular and not so popular websites that allow you to promote your feed or blog. So if you want to market your RSS feed online and gain even more additional traffic to your website, scroll through this list and submit your RSS feed.

  • Yahoo
  • Open Directory Project
  • Syndic8
  • NewsIsFree
  • Technorati
  • BoingBoing
  • BlogPulse
  • NewsXS
  • BlogCatalog
  • Next Generation Open Internet Directory
  • Blurit
  • Findory
  • The Weblog Review
  • All Headline News
  • Ping O Matic
  • RSS Knip
  • FyberSearch
  • Swoogle
  • GetBlogs
  • WeBlogALot
  • Globe Of Blogs
  • Blogarama
  • Anse RDF Ticker
  • Sarthak Blogz
  • Crayon
  • Blogflux
  • Blogrankings
  • Bloghub
  • Feed Pub
  • Blogtopsites
  • Blogsweet
  • BlogBunch
  • FeedShot
  • Blogexplosion
  • Newzfire
  • Read A Blog
  • Plazoo
  • Icerocket
  • Bloggernity
  • Redtram
  • FeedCat
  • RateItAll
  • Blogs by Women
  • Blog Intro
  • Best of the Web Blogs
  • Jordo Media
  • Blogtagstic
  • Feedsee
  • ASP Resource Index
  • BlogCensus
  • Feedage

Update: Many resources are not available anymore.

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