Make Money with Blog

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Few Strategies to Monetize on Blogs

If you want to make money on the internet, then starting a blog can be a great choice. As a matter of fact, majority of bloggers do not make money from their blogs. People are introduced to blogging daily, however many are just amateurs who have no intention or knowledge how to blog for money online.

Mainly internet marketers see the potential of blogs and educate their website or newsletter readers about opportunities of having your own blog. That means it’s a great time to start promoting your blog and making money out of it.

Blog is just like a website, so making money from your blog is not very different than making money from your website. So if you already have a useful blog and already have some traffic, then you can try adopting few marketing strategies and make money with your blog.

Contextual Advertising on a Blog

Webmasters are making mad money with such advertising programs like Google Adsense. Blogs are no different. If you have a blog, you can do exactly the same. All you need to do is find similar programs, join them and place a code on your blog. When visitors click on any of the ads, you get a commission.

It can be few cents or few dollars per click depending and the keywords that are displayed. This is a great way of generating income from your blog. You can try many similar services and see which one is best for you.

Promoting Affiliate Programs with Your Blog

Another good strategy for making money out of your blog is promoting affiliate programs. Depending on the type of your blog, you can join an affiliate program and resell their products on your blog. You can put links on your blog to the merchant site. You can create banners and redirect them to the merchant’s website. You can write a post reviewing similar products and include a link to your merchant’s site.

Putting a Donation Link on Your Blog

One of the easiest ways to make money online using a blog is to simply put a donation link on your blog. Readers can transfer you money via Paypal or credit card if they like your blog. However, if you want visitors to donate you enough money, you really need to provide useful content. Not just the same material that everyone uses, but news that can’t be accessible anywhere else. Otherwise there’s no point for readers to support your blog if they can get similar information somewhere else.

Selling Advertising Space on Your Blog

Here’s another great way to make money out of your blog. You can offer advertising space. You can allow people to order banner space, text links or any other kind of space on your blog. However, in this case you need to have a blog with high traffic levels or high Google Pagerank (at least 5) in order to make some money. A link from reputable blog can make a big difference in rankings. If you have a great blog, this option can really benefit you a lot.

Selling Visitors’ Postings on Your Blog

Another way you could make money is by charging people money for their postings. You could simply charge people a fee for a comment (if your blog is popular). That comment could include a title, short description and a link (static or redirect as they choose). This way you could also sell comment postings for images, art images. You could also make a posting with a link to a podcast or vodcast and charge a fee for that.

Summing Up

As you can see there are many ways to make money with your blog. Some bloggers actually make good money by using some of these strategies. However, if you really want to be rich blogger, first you have to be a talented blogger.

Do not try to make money if you are not providing anything useful in your blog. As a matter of fact, you shouldn’t even try to run a blog if you are not planning to benefit your readers in some way. But if you are serious about your blog and your readers really like your blog and visit (and revisit) it often, then some of these strategies can definitely pay you back for your hard work.

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