How to Craft a Successful CPA Campaign on Facebook?

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Many affiliates struggle to find a successful campaign these days. The more folks join, the more competitive the traffic sources become. Which means you need to take extra steps to make things happen for yourself.

If you promote on Facebook, then you must pay attention to the resource I’ve stumbled into just recently.

FaceBook PageData

You know that in order to succeed on FB, you need to at least apply keyword or other types of targeting. Well, here you can see the stats for fanpages and popularity compared to previous date range.

Why is this good for you?

Now you can see which pages have the most viewers. Take a look at #7 – Family Guy with 24,289,363 fans on FB. I’m already thinking about few possibilities and how to monetize these people. Simplest thing, grab a mobile offer, iq quiz or smth from CPA networks and setup a landing page. LP could say something like “Hey Are You Smarter than Family Guy?” and once folks click on that, they’re taken to IQ quiz.

With specific targeting your CTR will be higher and CPC lower. Plus, some folks may get hooked up on the offer where you get paid $7 to $9 a lead which is nice. This can still work.

Keep checking out that page and start thinking/gathering CPA offers based on the pages you see out there. If it was 2004, I’d slap some ringtones and target Eminem and other musicians. Not sure, maybe this can work now. You can try.

But just try coming up with ideas on how to presell the offer with your landing page. Often you’ll be able to nail great CTR and conversions, because of unique campaign you setup. And while everyone is pushing their luck with dating on FB, be different. Create a unique campaign and rewards will come my friend.

till next time.


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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Tim Caster, Todd and Dave. Todd and Dave said: How to Craft a Successful CPA Campaign on Facebook? | Internet …: Many affiliates struggle to find a successfu… […]

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