Another Awesome Free Resource to Learn From

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In the beginning of this blog I mentioned AffBuzz and how cool it is. It’s a syndication of many blogs to look at and keep learning from. Well one blog out of that syndication is CPATank.

I really like these guys.

They give really good inside information on what’s hot and even how to run the offers. Facebook or PPV. Pretty much the best tips you can get. So if you haven’t stumbled upon them, here they are, good stuff:

Another killer information provider is Blamads. I think it’s run by Ryan Eagle (EWA network). The kid is awesome and knows his shit. On this Blamads blog they also provide some great information on what offers to run and what works on their network. Click here to learn:

If you are sick and tired of reading blogs where a guy keeps talking about his cat or 70 year old neighbors next door that never stop having sex, then these blogs above should be something of real use. Go ahead, take a look and learn from them. Implement those tactics and see if you can make them work for your marketing. If you can get into those networks, congratulations! They’re good guys and should take care of you well.

Till next time. Piece!

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1 Comment
  1. Marco says

    Too Bad you dont update your site anymore. The 2 links aren’t working anymore and blamads seems to be a scam.

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